Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm going to Poland!

Well thank you for your prayers... apparently they worked! I'm feeling so much better today and I'm excited to hopefully have a normal day tomorrow.


So in case you are unaware this summer my family opened up our home to three girls. One from France, one from Slovkia and one from Poland! Marta, from Poland, and I became good friends and I helped her deliver her books for about a week and a half. (They were in the states with a program selling books door to door). She said she would pay me but I declined. The night that they left she gave me a card... I opened it to find a note that read something along the lines of, "Congratulations you just won a trip to Poland!!!". She had left a $100 bill in the envelop and a sweet message. "Ok"- I thought "now I have to go to Poland"! (darn) haha.

Fast forward- The other day I was looking at airfare between Poland and Romania and I found a great deal. I bought the ticket and I am flying to Poland on the 16th of this month... in less than a week! I am very excited and grateful for the opportunity to see a different culture, meet her family and speak English for a whole week! Originally I thought this trip would be perfect for me to get my visa, seeing as I had to leave the country to acquire one. However I was told (after purchasing the ticket) that I will have to leave around Dec. 27th because that marks 90 days... maybe I will go to Hungry?!

Anyway, I leave Sunday on a bus to Timisoara where I will stay with my sweet friend Dea for the night... then I will get up SUPER early to catch my flight out of Timisoara. I will fly into Austria for a short layover and then board the plane for Krakow, Poland where Marta will meet me. Please pray that I will travel safely! I feel so independent... this is not like me you know. At least it was not like me! :)

This is me and Marta on her last day in Tallahassee!