Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doubt Creeps In...

Last night I attended church in Petrosani. Being that it was a Wednesday they didn't have their typical service; instead they had more of a Bible study type setting. I couldn't understand the lesson but I did read along with the scripture passages.

Honestly yesterday was kind of a tough day. It could be because I didn't feel well and I'm getting sick... but my patience with myself and my lack of understanding the language got to me more than usual. I started to feel like I was just in a different country and I wasn't being very useful. That I was wasting time. It's easy to let negative thoughts and doubt creep in. I was in prayer a good part of the day (it's easy to pray when you can't understand your surroundings!) just seeking God's direction for the next few months. OK.

So last night at "Bible study" Tabita Gall wanted to introduce me to the church. I got up and told them a little about me and what I am doing here. (Tabita of course translated!). After the study many people came up to me and introduced themselves to me... which was so nice to feel like part of the church. One woman in particular introduced herself and told me she ran an afterschool type program...hmmmmm right up my alley right?! Yes, exactly. She told me she would really love if I could help with their English club!

The best part is- I've been praying for an opportunity to teach English! The Lord is so reassuring. He always knows when I need that encouragement or a specific detail to unfold.

The center is in a very poor neighborhood in Petrosani. The English club meets on Saturday mornings which is awesome because I can spend the week with my kids here in Lupeni and then go to Petrosani on the weekends. God is so awesome and I don't know why I even begin to question Him!

I'm right where I'm suppose to be.